Pre Market Entry Advisory Support
Customized Market Research & Feasibility Assessment

Entry Routes
Evaluating different Entry Routes in India; comparative study of advantages & disadvantages of different routes and suggesting Ideal Entry Route; Analyzing Entry Route of Competitors in Indian market

Product Short-listing & Prioritization
Short-listing Product Offerings that should be introduced initially in the Indian market

Focus Industries
Identifying Major end-user markets to focus on initially for easy penetration in the new market

Location Analysis (Industry Cluster Analysis)
Analyzing Key Regions where potential customers are based

Sales Channel Structure
Ideal Sales Channel Structure for targeting the Indian market; Recommendation on E-Commerce tie-ups (if required and applicable)

Penetration Pricing
Landed Cost, Price Build-up and Advising on price point for market penetration

Risk Aversion Factors & Recommendations
Overview of major learning’s from the competitors success or failure in the Indian market and how these can be implemented to lower the gestation time and avoid risks; Recommendation on any other Critical Factors for success in Indian market
Facilitating Market Entry Execution Support
Partner Appointment
(New & Additional Import & Sales Distribution Partner/Sales Agent & Representative/Licensing & Contract Manufacturing Partners etc.)

Identification & Profiling of all possible Partners

Genrating Willingness

Evaluation of Interested Companies


Selection & Closure

Periodic Meetings with Distributors (representing Principal/Client

Checking Progress with regards to Market Develop-ment, Generating Client Accounts and Participation in major Exhibitions & Trade Shows

Understanding Current Inventories & Stock Levels and New Stock/Orders Requirements

Considering any challenges being faced and expected support required for overcoming them

Reporting the findings to Principal/Client and advising on future course of actions

Updates at regular intervals on the progress being made by the Appointed Partners

Any deviations and challenges can be corrected in a logical time span due to time bound & neutral updates

Significant Cost Savings as no hiring of Direct Staff or Frequent Travels of Export Managers are required to be undertaken

In case of sustaining challenges or poor performance, Partners can be supplemented or replaced

For additional Product Portfolios and Market Segments, New Partners can be gradually appointed for enhancing Revenue
Private Label Customer & Sales Lead Generation
Potential Leads Identification
Willingness Generation
Qualification and Techno- commercial Briefings
Engagement and Co-ordination with Partially/Semi-qualified Leads
Continuous Support through Follow-ups, Negotiations, Sample Fulfillment etc.
Prioritizing Potential of Leads along with Client
Engaging Client to convert qualified leads into Key Client Accounts

Understanding sourcing requirements of clients(materials, quantities, technical specification, desired savings currents vendors delivery timeframe and other terms & conditions)

Identifying potential sourcing partners Engaging in first level of discussions with them to understand their willingness and spare capacities.

Floating RFQ's to interested partners for receiving their price quotations

Short-listing the relevant partners basiss most competent quotes.

Conducting evaluation on capabiliteis of shortlisted partners-qualify cerifications, willingness to develop prototypes, skilled manpower, machinery and reference checks from existing customers

Selecting appropriate partners by organizing their discussions with client and assisting in negotiating terms & conditions
- Preparing Opportunity Teaser on No Name Basis
- Partner/Target Search
- Interest Generation & Brief Profiling
- Arranging Preliminary Discussions
- Deal Strategy Formulation
- Face-to-Face Meetings & Site Visit with Short-listed companies
- Establishing & Realizing Synergies
- Deal Structuring
- Selection of Partner, Negotiations and Signing of LOI
- Co-ordination in Due Diligence
- Assistance in Drafting of Legal Agreements (Terms & Conditions) with Legal Counsel
- Closing – Regulatory Approvals, Escrow Account Set-up, Ensuring Conditions Precedent to closing, Arranging meeting and coordinating the closing schedule
Plant Set-Up
- Indian Entity Set-up
- Basic Mandatory Regulatory Approvals
- Location Analysis
- Business Plan Formulation
- Site Selection, Due Diligence of Selected Land’s Ownership of titles, technical and environmental concerns etc., Land / Site Acquisition & Possession
- Engineering Consultant, Vendor & Contractor Selection
- Coordinating & Undertaking all the Regulatory Approvals Specific to the Production Site / Greenfield Set-up
- Project Management & Supervision
The company incorporation is required for foreign companies which are:
- Forming a new JV company in India
- Acquiring land in India
- Setting up its own facility in India
- Opening a Subsidiary in India
- Investing in India to own a Company *

Understanding of Job Roles, Key Responsibilities & Expected Profile of desired Candidates

Identification of candidates through relevant databases

Screening, Engagement and Evaluation

Submitting Short-listed profiles with the client and organizing direct discussion

Final Short-listing, Negotiations, Selection and Ensuring successful Joining